
Following list describes the main features of Universal SQL Editor:

Flexible Connectivity

  • Support Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase and other ODBC compliant databases

Easy Database Object Manipulation

  • Support scripting database objects (Support Oracle, DB2, SQL Server and Sybase only)
  • Support long script execution. If execution was from the beginning to the end and error has occurred, statement causes the error will be highlighted
  • Objects in database explorer will be updated automatically after execution of DDL statements

Powerful SQL Editor

  • Recognize complex SQL syntax such as, derived table, common table expression (CTE), nested query, etc.
  • Support Intellisense-like code completion, parameter hinting and tooltip information
  • Support highlight references of table, column, cursor, variable, etc.
  • Support SQL formatting; include letter case conversion, for example, "TITLECASE" -> "TitleCase", "CAMELCASE" -> "camelCase", etc.
  • Support line revision marks, column selection, column mode edit, code folding, split view, full screen edit, drag-and-drop edit, wildcard search and replace, multiple levels of undo and redo, Unicode and Windows / UNIX / MAC formatted text files

Convenient Query Tool

  • Support grouping, filtering, searching, editing and sorting
  • Table and record views to see data the way you like it
  • Execution history to see statements you executed
  • Show related rows base on result column value
  • Query results can be exported to Excel spreadsheet or as a set of SQL statements
  • Support stack layout result pane like SQL Server query analyzer

Other Useful Features

  • Convenient to view dependencies among database objects (Support Oracle, DB2, SQL Server and Sybase only)
  • Fast and low memory consumption
  • Additional features can be implemented as plug-in DLLs